Soft Play – a poem

  • So, this afternoon I took the kids to a soft play in Isleworth. It was extremely busy and the noise level was approaching that of a pneumatic drill or premier league football crowd.
  • I thought of this…
  • Mass of screaming bodies

    Pulling against the tide

    Each one without pity

    Writhing around inside

    Social norms abandoned

    They struggle and they fight

    Over spit-soaked plastic

    That badly needs a wipe.

    Presiding over this

    The chaos and the din

    Dead-eyed weary adults

    Pretend there’s nought amiss

    Cheers for reading,


    You can check out more of my poetry by clicking the links below.

    In the Rough – a poem

    Bee – a poem

    Face in the Ceiling – a poem

    Waves Beat Down – a poem

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